Customer Satisfaction Survey This customer survey form is an opportunity to inform our leadership on how exactly you found our team, our service and the parts we provided. Good or bad, we would much appreciate your feedback to empower us to provide the best professional service possible. Company Name: (required): Your Name: (required) Please indicate your opinion concerning the below-mentioned subjects, and send it to us by pressing the button “send my valuation”. Product Quality: Product quality: ExcellentGoodAcceptablesub-standardReally poorCan't use Customer Service: Contents of our offers: ExcellentGoodAcceptablesub-standardReally poorCan't use Consulting and support from our staff: ExcellentGoodAcceptablesub-standardReally poorCan't use Individual fulfilment of your requirements: ExcellentGoodAcceptablesub-standardReally poorCan't use Logistics: Meeting of our delivery time: ExcellentGoodAcceptablesub-standardReally poorCan't use Responding to the delivery time requested by you: ExcellentGoodAcceptablesub-standardReally poorCan't use Service: Treatment of repair of your products: ExcellentGoodAcceptablesub-standardReally poorCan't use Availability of our service support team: ExcellentGoodAcceptablesub-standardReally poorCan't use The technical competence of our service team: ExcellentGoodAcceptablesub-standardReally poorCan't use Generally: Customer care of our staff: ExcellentGoodAcceptablesub-standardReally poorCan't use Warranty and Goodwill: ExcellentGoodAcceptablesub-standardReally poorCan't use Availability of your contact person: ExcellentGoodAcceptablesub-standardReally poorCan't use Ease of doing business with The Combustion Group: ExcellentGoodAcceptablesub-standardReally poorCan't use Would you recommend The Combustion Group to other customers? YesNoUndecided Your Comments: